We understand design as the creative expression of a certain attitude towards the here and now, reflecting a social life and a designed world that manifests in terms of form and aesthetics, depending on the cultural memory we share as a society. It's a two-way relationship where culture influences our daily lives, and we influence and build culture.
Eyes on Germany is a research project that stems from the desire to demonstrate to the international community the potential of German visual communication, highlighting both the intrinsic heritage of the country and the trends that manifest daily in a culture and society different from our own. A publication that aims to bridge the gap and integrate a new way of thinking, designing, and looking at things, in a temporal journey that will take us to Germany, from 1880 to the present day.
Turin. 2021
BA Design and Visual Communication
BA thesis project
Graphic Project
Chiara Rebolino
Lorenzo Urgesi
Fabio Guida
In collaboration with
Torino Graphic Days
Print Club Torino
ABC Gravity, Dinamo Typefaces
ABC Diatype, Dinamo Typefaces
Print Club Torino
Chiara Rebolino
Lorenzo Urgesi