P. Collin: How should the ready-made be approached?
M. Duchamp: Basically, it shouldn't be looked at. It just stands there; you become aware of its presence through your eyes. But you don't contemplate it like a painting. The idea of contemplation disappears entirely. Simply put, we acknowledge that it's a bottle rack or that it's a bottle rack that has changed its purpose.
The photographic project stems from Duchamp's perspective on the ready-made and plays with triptychs to exhibit three different narratives for each of the 51 selected objects.
The three different levels of interpretation present the object in three different phases of its manifestation: its idea, the tangible and real object itself, and its most absurd decontextualization. The internal layout intentionally remains purely photographic, leaving all textual elements on the covers. Like the index, which, in this case, is placed on the cover to immediately immerse the observer in the narrative upon entering the book. The book object becomes one of the photographed objects, positioning itself perfectly halfway through the volume.
©2023 ISIA U
Istituto Superiore per le
Industrie Artistiche di Urbino
Mario Cresci
Gaz Zeneli
Design an Photography
Matteo Mariangioli
Aurora Pelaggi
Lorenzo Urgesi
Digital–Fast Edit (AP)
Silkscreen–Serigrafia ISIA U (PU)
Giugno 2023
5 copie–Italiano
Arena EW Rough 120 g/m2
Arena W Rough 170 g/m2
PVC Sky Transparent Matt White h77
Renolit Rainbow
Karl by Laurenz Brunner
Source Type (ZH)